Institut Dialog vlastní ve svých sídlech v Praze, Brně a Přerově knihovnu, která je k dispozici pro frekventanty a absolventy výcviků.
Seznam titulů:
- P. Adamovský: Základní pojmy tvarové terapie /PT sešity č. 42/
- M. Buber: Já a ty
- P. Clarkson: Gestalt counselling in action
- P. Clarkson, J. Mackewn: Fritz Perls
- M.C. Clemmens: Getting Beyond Sobriety
- S. Crocker: A well-lived life
- Gilles DELISLE: Personality Disorders a Gestalt therapy perspective
- J. Enright: Úvod do technik tvarové terapie
- J. Fagan, I. Shepherd (editors): Gestalt Therapy Now
- Maurice FRIEDMAN: Dialogue and the Human Image
- S. Ginger: Gestalt Therapy (The Art of Contact)
- J. Harris: Gestalt: An Idiosyncratic Introduction
- W. Heard: The Healing Between
- R. Hycner: Between Person and Person
- R. Hycner, L. Jacobs: Healing Relationship In Gestalt Therapy
- J. Kepner: Body Process
- J. Kepner: Healing tasks /PT with adult survivors of childhood abuse/
- M. Korb, J. Gorell, V. Van De Riet: Gestalt terapia prax a teoria
- J. Latner: The Gestalt Therapy Book
- R. Lee and G. Wheeler /editors/: The Voice of Shame
- J. Mackewn: Developing Gestalt Counselling
- J. Mackewn: Gestalt terapie (Moderní holistický přístup k PT)
- Claudio Naranjo: Gestalt Therapy (The Attitude and Practice of an Atheoretical Exp.)
- Ed Nevis: Organizational Consulting-A Gestalt Approach
- V. Oaklander: Windows to our children
- J. Oldham, T. Key, I. Starak: Risking being alive
- Fritz Perls: Ego, Hunger and Aggression
- F. Perls, R. Hefferline, P. Goodmann: Gestalt Therapy Excitement and Growth....
- F. Perls, R. Hefferline, P. Goodmann: Gestalt terapie Vzrušení a růst lidské osobnosti
- F. Perls: Gestalt Therapy Verbatim
- F. Perls: Gestalt terapie doslova
- Erving & Miriam Polster: Integrovaná Gestalt treapia
- Erving Polster: A Population of Selves
- E. Polster: A Population of Selves
- E. Spinelli: The Interpreted World
- E. Spinelli: Intrepretovaný svet
- D. Stern: The interpersonal world of the infant
- J. Simkin: Gestalt terapia
- G. Wheeler and St.Backman/editors/: On Intimate Ground
- G. Wheeler: Gestalt Reconsidered
- G. Yonteff: Awareness, Dialogue and Process
- J. Zinker: Tvůrčí proces v Geslalt terapii
- J. Zinker: Creative Process in Gestalt Therapy